
Imagine going to a website and there’s not a single word on the page. No section headings. No product descriptions. No updates or blog articles. Would you spend a considerable amount of time on a site like this? Probably not. Why? Because a website’s written content is what encourages users to explore your site, make […]

It’s sPoOoOkY season and we’ve got a treat for you this Halloween! The digital marketing industry as a whole is BOOming. Estimates say that digital marketing is on trend to be valued at $786.2 billion by 2026. In this past year, we have also seen some sweet digital marketing statistics in the design, development, content, […]

Across the globe, Internet users spend approximately 6 hours and 53 minutes online every day1. That’s a lot of time, but it’s easy to do so when you can just scroll…and scroll…and scroll, with no need to click for more. With the rise of the infinite scroll on social, is this the future of website […]

You know it when you see it. The golden arches, the swoosh, Colonel Sanders. A brand logo is a quintessential tool for brand recognition. But what makes a brand’s logo effective and iconic? And how do you stay recognizable while adapting to the times? Let’s talk about it. Origins of The Logo The concept of […]

It’s a funny TikTok dance, an influencer telling a story on YouTube, or an Instagram Reel of someone cooking pasta in an oddly satisfying way. Videos are just fun, right? Yes, but video marketing is also an incredibly effective tool. 87% of marketers report that video has helped them achieve a positive ROI; meanwhile, 92% […]

If you opened this blog article and it was written in Comic Sans, would you take us seriously? Most would probably say no. But what is it about Comic Sans that makes it so highly criticized? Simply put, the typography design of Comic Sans is informal and non-professional in presentation, causing anything that is spelled […]

How are you reading this? From your desktop? Maybe on your phone or tablet? Either way, is the text big enough? Sized appropriately for the screen? With fast site speed? We hope so. Because if it wasn’t, you would probably leave. Creating a site that is not only accessible on desktop but that is also […]

How did you end up on our blog page? Why did you end up here? Spoiler alert, it wasn’t by chance. Yes, we wrote this blog to share useful info with you. But we also wrote it as part of our Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. Blogging for SEO is an informative way to build […]

If you could have a conversation with the apple logo from Apple, how do you think it would go? That apple would likely be succinct in its descriptions of everything up-and-coming in the tech industry. With a bit of creativity, yet still concise, the Apple apple would surely be sleek and well-spoken. Why can we […]

Color. From logos to graphics, webpage design, and promotional content, color marketing plays a role in product success. And at the core of color marketing is strategy; strategy for what color looks best, what color is most memorable, how colors make us feel, and how colors make us act. Out of the 10 million colors […]