
Folks who work at small businesses wear a lot of hats. For those who DIY their own digital marketing, we have compiled a list of 5 free marketing tools your small business needs to know about. Why are they important? All of these tools balance two factors: they are easy to use (even for beginners), […]

There are plenty of important items to consider when evaluating the “health” of your website. From mobile design through overall website performance, your website should always evolve beyond launch, and as your business does we’d like to cover just a few of the items to consider: How fast is your site loading? Can users find […]

Data driven design is the latest buzzword, especially in the context of data driven website design. As analytics become more accessible, more and more businesses are asking for all decisions to be backed by data, and that includes switching gears from what is pretty to what is functional. We work with a lot of small […]

Many of the projects we do here at FYD are to build a brand & its website. Often our clients don’t have an existing brand or website to work from, which is great – the options are wide open. However, it’s important to consider how our brands will engage & convert traffic on their site […]

During a recent meeting with a client we discussed brand messaging, including the brand’s voice, and how we should develop a mission statement that reflects who they are. The topic of inspiration came up, and one of the founder’s had become emotional just telling the story of why they’re so passionate about their new company. […]

Mobile and digital payment platform Square has opened their platform to integrate into e-commerce websites. This enables businesses to sell their products online and through a brick and mortar shop. One unique integration that we’ve taken notice of is Square and WooCommerce. A lot our clients prefer WordPress and WooCommerce as a solution for their online e-commerce […]

As mobile website strategy plays a crucial role in web design and development we find minimal design can not only be visually pleasing, but important to ensure a fast loading experience for site visitors. Beautiful design is nothing if visitors don’t stick around long enough to engage. It’s 2016, and your site visitors want to have […]

Working with new businesses that rely solely on their e-commerce based business is a challenge we welcome. We love the opportunity to help by providing great solutions that will help our client’s vision grow. While we never dabble in using templates or “one size fits all” solutions, we do encourage using existing frameworks. The options we consider are open […]

In February, Google officially rolled out AMP (short for Accelerated Mobile Pages). Google says mobile web pages load 85% faster with AMP. Faster rendering means more page views, leading to more ad views (which also load much faster). At the same time, Facebook announced Canvas, a new fullscreen mobile ad format that can instantaneously load many […]

Have you heard or experienced first hand one of the following scenarios? You’ve hired a designer and it takes months to complete the promised materials. Your web designer built your website, it “kind of works”, and now you can’t get ahold of them. You’ve paid a designer that promised “XY & Z” but they are now having […]