
What could AI do for your business? While some of us are worried about the AI overlords taking over (probably won’t happen), there are immediate opportunities that AI can help with. From marketing ideas to researching trending topics, developing applications quicker and even generating imagery (still kind of creepy). FYD is exploring the AI world […]

FYD is bringing the cheer with a few holiday-inspired marketing tips. We’re turning some festive fails into mindful marketing advice to help you improve your content all season long. Thank You? For the Gift? Neither your site nor your gifts should suffer from driver errors. Without essential parts, a gift isn’t much of a gift […]

The new year means new marketing trends! 2022 was filled with captivating videos, even faster load times than we thought possible, and the rise of storytelling success on social media. To help your brand start the year off right, we want to highlight some trends that are looking ready to grow and emerge in 2023. […]

Whether you’re looking for #traveltips, #food, or #photography, there’s a hashtag for that. In 2007, the social media-savvy hashtag emerged from the pound symbol. And we haven’t looked back. Trending hashtags have grown markets, raised awareness, and stimulated viral conversation across the web. If you’re wondering how hashtags can benefit your brand, you’re in the […]

At FYD, we will be the first to chuckle at an out-of-pocket stock photo. However, we also love seizing the chance to enhance a generic stock photo to elevate and support brand marketing and recognition. In this blog, we are offering our guidance on breaking away from boring and basic and doing more with stock […]

You know it when you see it. The golden arches, the swoosh, Colonel Sanders. A brand logo is a quintessential tool for brand recognition. But what makes a brand’s logo effective and iconic? And how do you stay recognizable while adapting to the times? Let’s talk about it. Origins of The Logo The concept of […]

If you opened this blog article and it was written in Comic Sans, would you take us seriously? Most would probably say no. But what is it about Comic Sans that makes it so highly criticized? Simply put, the typography design of Comic Sans is informal and non-professional in presentation, causing anything that is spelled […]

If you could have a conversation with the apple logo from Apple, how do you think it would go? That apple would likely be succinct in its descriptions of everything up-and-coming in the tech industry. With a bit of creativity, yet still concise, the Apple apple would surely be sleek and well-spoken. Why can we […]

Color. From logos to graphics, webpage design, and promotional content, color marketing plays a role in product success. And at the core of color marketing is strategy; strategy for what color looks best, what color is most memorable, how colors make us feel, and how colors make us act. Out of the 10 million colors […]

Do you remember the days of Lincoln Logs and Legos? Even if it’s a vague recollection of fumbling with Lincoln Logs, you’ll remember that anything you built ended up feeling like a ranch in the wild west. And Legos… Oh, Legos! You could create anything! You’d pour over an abstract grid of blocks, snapping things […]